Our Tested Way To Keep Backpack Clean

Backpacks collect dirt, spills, and germs, making them unclean to carry around.

How To Keep Backpack Clean

Regularly clean your pack to maintain its quality and hygiene. Sweat, oil, grease, and food residue attract dirt, degrade fabric, and can even attract critters. Ensure zippers remain functional by preventing them from getting gunked up.

How To Clean Camping or Hiking Backpack


Never wash a rucksack in a washing machine, regardless of temperature or detergent used. It’s not advisable under any circumstances.

Things you need:

  • Use mild soap without fragrances or additives, such as castile soap or a wash product designed for technical packs and clothing.
  • Sponge or washcloth
  • Soft brush or toothbrush

Follow these guidelines:

  • Never wash in a washing machine.
  • Use lukewarm water and a soft sponge or brush gently to protect the pack’s coatings.
  • Hang the pack to dry indoors or in the shade to prevent UV damage to the fabric.
  • Clean zippers gently to remove particles without scrubbing. Use zipper lubricant to help stuck zippers slide smoothly.

Gentle Cleaning

After any hike or overnight trip, quickly inspect your pack using these steps:

  • Empty all pockets.
  • Wipe interiors with a sponge without soap.
  • Gently scrub exterior stains with a sponge and soap.
  • Rinse with cool water using a sponge or cloth.

Thorough Cleansing

Eventually, you’ll need to deep clean your pack to remove odors and camp smoke. Here’s how:

  • Vacuum seams, pockets, and deep inside to remove crumbs and dirt.
  • Wash the hipbelt and shoulder straps separately with soap and sponge, then rinse well.
  • Detach or remove the metal frame if possible and set it aside.
  • Fill the tub/sink with lukewarm water and soap. Submerge pack, and scrub gently, focusing on areas in contact with skin. Be careful with mesh pockets.
  • Empty. Refill with 6 inches of fresh, cool water, and rinse thoroughly. Repeat rinsing if needed to ensure complete removal of any soap remnants.

Once the pack is dry, reassemble your Essentials inside, ensuring you’re prepared for your next adventure.

Click the image to check our top backpack reviews and recommendations.

Other Process To Clean Backpacks

This process is basically for backpacks other than camping and hiking. We also recommend not using the machine wash process for backpacks with special structures like solid outer cabinets or leather material like BANGE anti-theft and MOKOBARA Transit. Handwashing is the ideal process to clean them. 

Backpack Machine Wash 

Step 1 – Empty Bag: 

Ensure that every compartment of the backpack is thoroughly inspected to avoid overlooking anything. Then, employ a vacuum cleaner to meticulously eliminate any traces of dust, crumbs, or dirt nestled within. Prior to proceeding to the subsequent step, it is imperative to ensure that all zippers remain unfastened.

Step 2 – Treat Stains: 

  • Check the backpack for any stains before washing.
  • If stains are present, address them before washing the entire backpack.
  • Gently apply stain remover to the affected areas using a brush.
  • Allow the stain remover to sit for approximately thirty minutes to effectively penetrate the stain.
  • After letting it sit, proceed with washing the backpack as usual.

Step 3 – Either invert the bag or enclose it in a pillowcase:

Prevent zippers and straps from snagging in the washing machine. Choose to invert the backpack or use a pillowcase. Ensure no loose straps or parts hang out during washing.

Step 4 – Machine wash:

  • Use a small amount of gentle detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.
  • Avoid using regular detergent or fabric softener, as they can damage the material.
  • Set the washing machine to a gentle cycle.
  • Use cold water for washing to prevent shrinking or damaging the backpack fabric.

Step 5 – Air dry:

Concluding the process, allow the backpack to air dry naturally. Hang it upside down with the zippers left open. For optimal results, consider drying it outdoors to help dissipate any lingering odors.

Backpack Handwash

Step 1 – Empty Bag: Follow the same procedure as explained in the machine wash step one. 

Step 2 – Prepare:

Brush off loose dirt with your hands. Dampen a cloth and lightly wipe the outside of your bag to remove surface dirt. This keeps your cleaning water clean.

  • Remove the frame (if any) from the bag before washing.
  • Remove detachable pockets and straps for separate cleaning to ensure thorough cleaning of each part.
  • Trim loose threads near zippers for smooth operation.

Step 3 – Check The Label: Follow care instructions inside the backpack to prevent damage.

Step 4 – Treat Any Stains Before Washing: Pre-treat stains with stain remover, and avoid bleach. Scrub with a soft brush, and let sit for 30 minutes before washing.

Step 5 – Fill Sink or Tub With Lukewarm Water: Use a laundry basin or sink for washing. Ensure ample room for thorough cleaning of all pockets and sections.

Step 6 – Add Gentle Detergent To Water: Use gentle, dye-free, fragrance-free detergent to avoid fabric damage and skin irritation.

Step 7 – Scrub the Backpack Gently With a Soft Brush or Rag: Fully submerge the backpack or use water to dip the brush/rag. Brush for tough stains, rag for general cleaning.

  • Use a toothbrush for tough stains and hard-to-reach areas.
  • For delicate materials like mesh, use a sponge instead of a brush to prevent damage.

Step 8 – Rinse Your Backpack: Flush away any soap or detergent residue by rinsing with lukewarm water. This prevents soapy buildup on your backpack fabric.

Step 9 – Now Dry: Air dry the backpack naturally, and hang it upside down with pockets unzipped if possible.

The Final Step

Lubrication: After drying, enhance future durability by spraying zippers with lubricant for longer life and smoother functionality.

Waterproofing: Applying a waterproofing treatment can significantly extend the lifespan of your backpack. This protective layer shields the fabric from water and dirt infiltration, enhancing its durability. With waterproofing, your backpack can endure light rain without requiring the constant use of a rain cover.

Store Backpack: Proper storage significantly impacts the longevity of your backpack. Store it in a cool, dark place with good ventilation and ensure it’s empty. Avoid storing it in areas prone to rapid temperature fluctuations, like the trunk of a car.


Should you frequently wash your backpack?

Thankfully, backpacks don’t need to be washed often. A yearly cleaning should be done, unless they’re really dirty from everyday use.

Is it possible to freshen up a backpack without the need to wash it?

Certainly, it’s possible to remove odors from a backpack without washing it. Simply sprinkle a bit of baking soda at the bottom of the bag, then leave it exposed to sunlight for an entire day with its compartments wide open.

Is it appropriate to utilize dish soap for cleansing backpacks?

Yes, you can utilize dish soap for cleaning backpacks but only a few drops. Take a few drops in a bowl and mix it with warm water then use a sponge or cloth to wash.

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